Monday, July 09, 2012

Day 9

The heaviness was gone from my legs today. Still very cognizant of the muscles in them though, particularly my hamstrings. In a weird way it feels like they are almost elongating. Perhaps as stuff moves out of them they are finally able to relax?

Each day is still a challenge. Smells come wafting by. My mind takes me on culinary journeys. Commercials on tv. People walking by with food. However, I have won the battles for yet another day. That's all I can do - take on each battle as it comes and hope I win each one.

Still have the coating on my tongue and a strange taste in my mouth due to it. I spoke to someone and apparently that's all part of the liver detoxing as well. Gnarly!

All in all though, feeling good and rather happy I've continued to win the battles. Onward I go.

This moment of winning was brought to you by the letter J and the number 9.


At July 10, 2012 1:34 AM, Anonymous SallyM said...

Hi Annika.

I've been (enjoying) following your juicing journey on the Reboot Forum. Your daily updates are great; honest and thorough. Was about to tell you so over there only to find you have a blog :).

Also wanted to ask you about the coconut water? I'm in NZ myself but don't believe I've ever seen coconut water anywhere? You mentioned it in one of your posts so keen to know where you found it?

Anyway...thanks for sharing. 60 days is immense! Wish you all the best of luck. Earlier today I found this post from a girl who has done 40 days. You may be interested in it:


At July 10, 2012 1:13 PM, Blogger BH said...

Hi Sally,

Thanks so much for your comment! Where in NZ are you?

I've found the coconut water two places in Wellington - Common Sense Organics and also Moore Wilsons. If you have a local organic shop or have access to a Moore Wilsons, try asking there and they should be able to point you in the right direction. Per usual though, it's about $4 per can or so.

Thank you for the link - I will check it out tonight after work!


At July 11, 2012 5:53 PM, Anonymous SallyM said...

$4 a can, ack.

Thanks for the reply. I'm from Whangarei but currently in Hokitika. No health / similar shops here unfortunately but I could be back North by the time I really sink my teeth into this. Greymouth may have something?

At July 12, 2012 2:03 AM, Blogger BH said...

I haven't spent a lot of time in Greymouth. Nelson certainly would though! Good luck!


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