Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Day 3

Today went really well. My headache is finally gone. It was so nice to have at least half the day without one. I was rather hungry most of the day. However, being in back-to-back meetings didn't help. I did take my juice in with me and just drank it slowly throughout the day.

The 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead' website recommends drinking coconut juice as well. I tried some today. I have to say, I thought it was awful. It's too sweet for me. Despite all appearances to the contrary, I don't have a sweet tooth. I'm a savoury girl. Luckily I only bought a couple cans of it so don't have much to finish off. I'm wondering if my taste buds will change as this goes.

I also had more energy today. While I started getting tired in the afternoon again, it wasn't nearly to the same extent as the previous two days. Some of that could be from being kept awake by a massive 7.0 earthquake last night that went on for 30 seconds. Normally earthquakes don't bother me after having lived in San Francisco. However, the magnitude and duration of this one got my heart pounding.

Went to the store after work and stocked up on some more fruits and veggies. I've found some recipes I like so will stick to those. All in all, I'm feeling pretty good.

3 days down, 57 to go.

This moment of feeling better was brought to you by the letter J and the number 3.


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