Friday, July 06, 2012

Day 5

I'm not going to lie, today was tough. I feel good and that's great. I feel better. I feel awake. I feel lighter. Still a bit phlegmy, but all in all things were going really well.

Then I walked into the lunch room to get more juice. Someone was making a ham and cheese toastie. It smelled HEAVENLY! Made my mouth water. I had to run away and take some deep breaths out of the odour range.

I normally love living right in the middle of town. The problem with that is I have to walk past all the restaurants with all the amazing smells wafting out. I even started negotiating with myself - "Maybe I'll only do 30 days. That should be good enough." or "Maybe I should just do 10 days. The Master Cleanse was only 10 days."

Then I realised that's what I've done all my life. I negotiate. I say "Oh, I'll have this unhealthy meal now and then eat a salad later." The problem is when later came, I did it again. That knowledge was great, but didn't stop my mouth watering as I smelled other things. I just keep trying to remind myself why I'm doing this and what I really want.

After work I stocked up on more fruits and veggies. I will not be defeated!

This moment of mind over matter was brought to you by the letter J and the number 5.


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