Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 23

I have had a serious case of the 'crank' the past two days. Just super cranky and emotional. I know it's simply because I'm not able to placate all those things I normally placate with food. I also know this means I get to really work through things and resolve them. Unfortunately, it's just a difficult process and I don't like being cranky.

My brain is choosing to spend this time trying to sabotage me as well. I continue to win the battles, but it gets exhausting. My brain keeps telling me to eat food regardless of what it is because it will make me 'feel better'. Luckily I know this is exactly what has gotten me into this position and I refuse to believe it anymore.

I'm spending lots of time in my bathtub with epsom salts to try and get in a better mood. Water has always been incredibly comforting to me. I also got a bunch of books from the library to try and keep my mind occupied with other things.

Can this phase pass quickly please? I'm over it.

This melancholy moment was brought to you by the letter J and the number 23.


At August 28, 2012 5:54 PM, Blogger Theresa said...

Feel so much better that you felt this way as I do on my day 23! Cranky and hoping its the detox. I'm sure your journey has helped you overcome placating yourself with food -- I hope mine is too!

At August 29, 2012 2:38 AM, Blogger BH said...

Man I do not miss those days at all! However, I can honestly tell you that it does get better, and that it happens quickly. Stay strong - this too shall pass. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you will feel so much better in a few days and be so proud of yourself for sticking with it. Hugs to you!


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