Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 11

Well, I've officially made it one day longer than anything similar I have done before. Have to celebrate the milestones I suppose.

I didn't have as many mental battles to fight today. That was a nice change. I certainly hope that trend continues, but we shall see. I got several compliments on how soft my skin was today. People kept asking what kind of moisturizer I use and I had to tell them I don't use any. The coating on my tongue has also decreased. While I still have the metallic taste in my mouth, it's not quite as bad as it has been. Still had quite an itchy nose and multiple sneezes today. Also still a wee bit congested.

I'm really hoping I've turned the corner and on the downhill slide of all the detox symptoms. It will be nice when those have finally gone. Better out than in!

I'm starting to feel...better overall. I'm starting to like what I see when I look in the mirror. While the weight loss helps, I think it's more than that. I think it's finally taking control and making good decisions for myself. I'm guessing that is what is improving my overall outlook on life right now.

The big test will come this weekend. I'm working a Winter Ale Festival on Saturday. The not drinking part doesn't bother me (though I'm missing out on loads of delicious craft beers to try). I'm concerned about the great food that will be there. Going to make loads of juice to take with me and just try to avoid any temptation. Fingers crossed!

Only 49 more days to go!

This moment of moving forward was brought to you by the letter J and the number 11.


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