Monday, June 12, 2006

Where In the World is BH?

Ok, it's been ages since I've posted anything of note so figured I'd catch everyone up on the happenings in the world of BH. Just call me Carmen Sandiego.

After a fabulous birthday celebration courtesy of Kristine and company, I made it home around 10am the next morning. Just in time to do a quick change and pick up my brother, sis-in-law and 18 month old niece at the airport. We had a fabulous week together. My brother helped me put together my bookshelves which was great. We spent the weekend with old family friends (who may as well be extended family) up in Woodland. Weekend was full of good food, good fun and great company. Even played a bit of tennis. I haven't touched a racquet since I was 16 so it was entertaining to say the least. Got me back into it though and really want to start playing again.

My brother and his wife (who is a complete doll and I love to death) traditionally come out over my bday. We have a tradition that started with my mom of doing my bday dinner at Scomas in Sausalito. We've managed to keep that tradition alive and always do a toast to mom whom we know is there in spirit. We went there the final night of their visit. Isabella was the star of the show as she always is because she's so darn cute.

I took them to the airport that Wednesday. Though I totally enjoyed their visit, I was ready for a little BH-time after they left. There are only so many days in a row you can wake up before dawn to your little niece calling, "Anna? Anna?" The only person in the world I'm willing to let call me Anna! (Ok, that makes more sense for those of you who know my real name) :-)

I had a couple days at home and then headed to Valhalla Ren Faire. Panty Free and I drove up Friday afternoon. Met up with BoyChaos, Diter and company. Nothing like being greeted with a 20 year old bottle of scotch. Thanks Chris! We hung out a bit that night and then crashed out. Got to work an ale stand for the first time ever which was way too much fun!! Absolutely loved it! Met so many great folks. It was really fun to meet a bunch of folks from Tribe like Shay, Nate, Arn, Angus, Parris and her sister Samara, etc. Too much fun! Saturday night a group of folks went to Naked Fish Sushi which was awesome! Good eats! Then we had this grand plan of rumtubbing. The bad news was we couldn't find a hot tub for the tubbing part. Ended up hanging out with my new favorite bookend sisters, PF and Bogus. Eventually headed back to faire and hung out with the jugglers for a bit. Finally called it a night.

Sunday...well, Sunday is a whole other story that I may save for another time. Still pretty new and exciting so I'm going to have to digest it a bit before I decide how much to share with you lot. ;-) It is making me quite the girl which is ridiculous, but fun. I'm sure I'll share soon.

Will also post the details of my past weekend shortly. Figured this was turning into a novella so I'd stop now.

This catch-up moment was brought to you by the letters C and S and the number 3.


At June 12, 2006 4:27 PM, Blogger Fame said...

Sounds like fun, glad your back. My oldest sister is allowed to call me a name NO one else in the world is. Funny how that happens with at least one person in our lives.


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