Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 53

Today was Day 53. It's crazy to think that at this time next week, I will have completed my juice fast and be preparing to ween myself back onto food.

I haven't lost any additional weight in the past few days. However, I've been getting out and exercising which makes me feel great. I've also had loads of people this week telling me how good I look - friends, people at work, people on the street.

Yesterday I had the "skirt incident" as it shall now be known. I wore a skirt I haven't worn in ages. I was walking across town between meetings and it turns out that said skirt is now so big that it literally falls off. Oops! Was glad I was wearing a long jacket. Stopped by home, grabbed a safety pin and did a quick repair.

Today at work a couple of the Aussies were over. Several came up to me and said how I was shrinking before their eyes. They've been impressed with my commitment to the process and now that they've been away a few days, how obvious it is how much weight I've lost. I think it probably helped I came in wearing a smaller pair of trousers that didn't used to fit, but do now. Helped provide great motivation (not that I needed any) to go out for a run/walk at lunch around the harbour in the sunshine. Simply gorgeous!

Tonight at work a woman I don't know came up to me and said, "Sorry to interrupt. I've been wanting to tell you how amazing you look. You just look awesome. What is that magic you have in your jam jars?" It turned into a 10 minute conversation with her and one of her friends. Both are larger ladies. I told them all about it and that if they were keen, I'm happy as to help them. I hope they decide to do it! That was AWESOME!

I'm loving all the positive reenforcement. Most of all, I'm loving how I feel. Sure, I feel lighter which is great. But I also feel happy when I look in the mirror. I feel happier all the time. I just feel...better? awesome? amazing? It's a nice change.

This moment of joy was brought to you by the letter J and the number 53.


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