Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Have a New Claim to Fame!!

Sorry to gush, but I am super excited. For those who don't know, 8 Wired Brewing is a craft beer maker based down in Marlborough (the South Island for those non-Kiwis). The brewer, Soren, (yes, we're on a first name basis because that's how I roll - ha!) recently brewed a new beer. He created an Amber/Red Ale, but didn't know what to call the new brew. He started a wee competition to see who could come up with the best name for his new beer. (story here: I spent about 2 minutes thinking of options and threw out a few suggestions.

Today they announced the winner - yours truly!!!!! No, really, I did! Proof here: I never thought I'd actually name a beer that is going out to market. So, keep your eyes peeled for some 8 Wired "Red Dwarf" on the shelves of your favourite bottle store.

I never had this on my "Things to do before I die" list, but I'm now adding it and crossing it off. :-)

This moment of total awesomeness was brought to you by the letter A and the number 32.


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