Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Zorro the Gay Blade

The weather is finally gorgeous here after months of rain. So, of course, I'm now fighting being sick. Have a sore throat and a tiny bit of congestion. A coworker was recently diagnosed with strep throat so I'm a bit paranoid about having it. Been trying to get lots of sleep and take vitamins, but I fear I may be too late.

Weekend went well. Friday night hung out with a buddy from Ren Faire. We were going to watch The 40 Year Old Virgin, but since we'd both already seen it, we watched Anchorman and Zorro the Gay Blade.

If you haven't seen Zorro the Gay Blade, definitely watch this film! It is hilarious! It came out in 1981. George Hamilton and Lauren Hutton are the stars. You can read a bit more about it here. "Two bits, four bits, six bits a peso. All for Zorro stand up and say so."

Saturday I got some things done around the house. That night Kristine, M and I went to see Chazz DJ over in Oakland. It was a shame Chazz had the opening slot. He was definitely the best DJ there and his set kicked ass. We ended up spending most of the evening there. Then headed back across the bridge, grabbed some food, dropped Kristine off and I just crashed at M's place. Didn't get home til around 5pm Sunday afternoon. It was actually really nice to just be lazy and do nothing. It's been a long time since that has happened. Plus, I was brought coff-ay in bed so can't complain about that. And for those of you keeping track (you sick bastards), I said I crashed there, I didn't say I got laid there. Made it home in time to shower and then head to my old roomie's place for Easter dinner. That was really nice, but boy was I tired at the end.

Got some decent sleep Sunday night. Monday I went to bed early, but couldn't sleep so was up for a bit. Finally fell asleep, but didn't sleep well. Last night I was in bed early again and got some decent sleep. Still not feeling all that hot today so will probably forego heading back to Bondage A Go-Go tonight and get some sleep instead. Damnit, I'm getting responsible in my old age. There's another party over in Oakland tomorrow night that I may try and go to assuming I'm feeling better. Tomorrow after work I have to head to Mountain View to buy a saree for Ganesh's wedding. That should be hilarious.

Anyway, was there a point to this post? Not really. Just an update on what's going on in life. Hope everyone out there is healthy and enjoying the beautiful weather!

This moment was brought to you by the letter Z and the number 81.


At April 19, 2006 1:27 PM, Blogger Pittchick said...

Sounds like a nice weekend. I hate being responsible sometimes!


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