Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A River of Tears

Got a call yesterday from one of my closest friends, R. His dad died unexpectedly on Sunday. They are still not entirely sure what happened, but assume a blood clot occurred. The rosary is tomorrow night and the funeral on Friday morning. There was absolutely no reason for this to occur. I can understand his pain as well as anyone, but I at least got to say goodbye to my father. I knew it was coming. This was a total surprise. I alternate between being numb and wanting to cry. R is being strong for his family and taking care of all the arrangements. It brings back so many memories because that's what I did too. Have to be strong for everyone else. I'm planning on taking him some adult milk and cookies next week (aka a bottle of Jameson) so he can let loose.

I received an email today that a hasher friend's daughter was walking down the sidewalk and was hit by a car. She is on life support, has a fractured skull, broken ribs, broken leg, badly damaged and collapsed lungs, a blood clot on her heart and a torn liver. My heart goes out to her family. I can't imagine seeing your daughter lying in a hospital bed when there is nothing you can do.

It makes me wonder how such horrible things can happen to good people. But that's another diatribe that I just don't have the energy for right now.

Please keep both of these families in your prayers.

This moment of sadness was brought to you by the letter S and the number 2.


At April 26, 2006 2:40 PM, Blogger Spotty said...

Geeez, so sorry to hear about all the bad news you and your close friends are going thru. Maybe this will be the end of bad news for awhile...they are all in my prayers.

At April 26, 2006 6:07 PM, Blogger Barbara said...

BH...what a crappy day for emails, i am sorry you recieved so much bad news.

Your friends are in my thoughts and so are you...
What a wonderful friend you must be for these people....

At April 27, 2006 9:26 AM, Blogger babyG said...


At April 27, 2006 11:47 AM, Blogger Spotty said...

TAG - you're it. Read my blog.

At April 27, 2006 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


love u

At April 27, 2006 6:18 PM, Blogger Fame said...

I'm praying sweetie I'm praying!


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