Friday, January 27, 2006

Daves I Know

Since we're on the topic of Daves, I figured I could share my annoyance with the rest of y'all. I believe I am officially finished with anyone named Dave. Remember my Auspicious Beginnings and my I'm Such a Girl postings?

Well, last week Monday he and I finally chatted on the phone after playing phone tag. Really good conversation. He had mentioned, "Yeah, I was thinking about it a few days later and thought that you would never look on the coffee table for a note. I was telling myself, Good job Dave. Now she'll never call you." So here's me thinking - That's right, you were thinking about it. Hehehehehe. I'm fricking money. Later in the conversation he said, "So, we should get together and go out. I'm out of town this weekend, but how about next?" He was going to a course down in San Diego and then hanging out with his mom, driving back on Saturday night. I, of course, said that sounded good. He said, "Why don't you call me in a couple days?" I said, "Actually, why don't you call me when you get back in town because you're going to be hanging with the boys and then seeing your mom?" He said, "Great." Damn I'm good! Playing it cool. Etc, etc.

Well, Sunday night I decided to give him a ring to see how his trip went. Just left a voicemail. Keep in mind this was like 6 days later. Money, right? It's now Friday. Friday with no return call.

Could someone please explain male "logic" to me? How can he be the one that says 'Let's go out' and then drops the ball? I just don't get it. Though I'm telling myself he doesn't know what he's missing, the pattern is really getting old!


This moment of frustration was brought to you by the letter F and the number 4.


At January 27, 2006 10:27 AM, Blogger Barbara said...

I'm just as baffled as you. Good luck...!

At January 27, 2006 11:14 AM, Blogger Spotty said...

Because dudes are stupid. most of em, anyway. forget can do better!! you deserve better.

At January 27, 2006 2:24 PM, Blogger MB said...

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At January 27, 2006 2:49 PM, Blogger BH said...

Both MB - the honest and the fluffy. That way I have something to make me feel better after reading the honest. :-)

At January 27, 2006 2:55 PM, Blogger BH said...

Oh, and thanks Trojan and Spotty! :-)

At January 27, 2006 4:10 PM, Blogger MB said...

Sorry, I deleted my comment by accident. I was going to edit it.


Honest- He was probably never into you. You guys sucked face and he figured rather than make you feel cheap he'd toss you a number. Once the booze wore off, he was probably like "oh shit, what did I do?" It's not you, so don't worry about it.

Fluffy- Sometimes, after an evening of "snogging," while a guy has expressed interest you, he doesn't quite know how to "express" those feelings. Sometimes when alcohol consumption can make us make crazy decisions with the opposite sex....o.k. sometimes with the same sex.....wait...not me, I'm just saying....anyway. His note, while a bit misguiding, was a basically an attempt to say "Hey. Thanks for the snog. Your a great girl" Later, after the effects of alcohol and partying had left his body he may have regretted felt a little taken back about how steamy things got that evening. So, now he is a little confused and probabaly a little shy about talking to you because he violated a trust that a woman and man have between each other in the early stages of dating. He probably thinks you consider him some kind of slut and he is embarrased.

Or, Spotty does kind of hit it on the head.......we are kinda stupid.

At January 27, 2006 4:12 PM, Blogger MB said...

Oh, and Trojan.





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