Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Is It Possible?

Due to a very long IM conversation with 'P' on Monday night, I have been pondering one of the classic questions that has haunted us for generations. No MB, I'm not referring to the lint in my naval or if you fart in the woods and no one is around to smell it, does it still smell.

No, this question comes down to interaction between men and women. Can men and women really be friends? I have always held to the belief that they can. P argues (at least I think he does. He was one bottle of wine into the conversation) that men and women cannot. So I decided to take a survey. You, dear readers, get to share your thoughts on this topic.

Can men and women really be friends?


At October 13, 2005 11:19 AM, Blogger Buzz said...

Yes, if the friendship exclusively revolves around each other's 11:00PM availability for the booty call.

Yes, if the dude is gay.

Yes, if you're already blood related.

Yes, if on the rare (really fucking rare) occasion each person appreciates each other but has absolutely no primal sexual urge for each other, showing no outward signs of affection or disruption of the friend vibe.

Yes, if you've already boned or traveled down the romance road and mutually realized that you're not compatible romantically.

Otherwise, no. Men and women are two different animals, it's the whole Mars and Venus thing.

Also, the above listed "yes" scenario's, in my experience anyway, the friendship dissolves over time due a few things:

A. One of the friends begins a new romantic relationship

B. One of the friends moves away

C. One of the friends ends up wanting to bone the other one, thus causing a rift that the friendship cannot survive.

My two cents


At October 13, 2005 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah it's possible...If she's hot, mute and likes to watch sports.

At October 14, 2005 10:18 AM, Blogger BH said...

The above a courtesy of good old RC. Apparently my aquaintance and not my friend. :-)


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