Monday, October 10, 2005

A Case of the Mondays

This day has just been kicking my ass. I had an interview with a NZ recruiting firm at noon today. Last night I went to Kinkos and printed my resume on some nice resume paper. Being the responsible person, I left them in my car so I would be sure not to forget to bring my resume to work. Good plan, right?

Well, it was a good plan until I was almost to work this morning realizing that I had driven a friend's convertible to work instead of my car. SHIT! I actually had the disk w/ my resume on it with me so decided to find another Kinkos. Called a couple buddies who I know have used them before. Though they had each been there, no one could tell me how to get there. "Oh, it's off El Camino in SSF. Well, it may be a shopping center with a Barnes & Noble." Yeah, that narrows it down. So I cruise up and down El Camino looking for this place. Finally call another friend who looks it up for me. Man these guys were on crack - not anywhere near El Camino.

Ok, I'm at a Kinkos. Good stuff. The place I went in SF last night I just handed them my disk and he printed the two copies on the paper I wanted. Not so at this place. No, I was forced to deal with Mr. I Hate Being in Customer Service Even Though It's My Job. I had to go to one of their self-service computers, use my credit card for the $.20/minute charge to print it. Then I had to take it back to the service desk to get the right paper and then copy it. Frustrated as I'm already SO late for work, I head over to the computers. Well, the first one I try the card reader isn't working. So my card gets stuck in the machine. I finally figure out how to pull it out. Neither of the other open computers are working. Lovely. So finally someone finishes checking their email (do they realize there are cheaper places out there?) and I get a machine. I print the resume (of course the printing charge is put on my credit card) and then get to stand in the service counter while Mr. I Hate Being in Customer Service rolls his eyes the entire time he's helping the 85 people in line in front of me. Ok, that may be a slight exaggeration - maybe only 5 people in line in front of me. He was rolling his eyes the entire time though and letting out dramatic sighs that would have made Barbara Streisand proud. No, I don't know where I pulled that out of either.

Anyway, finally another guy comes up and helps me and just copies the resume for me. I paid my $1.33 and took off. Made it into work around 10am. Oops! Especially since I had to leave at 11:40 to make my interview and didn't get back until almost 2:00. Double oops. Oh well, I'll just work late tonight.

When I got into work I had to call Luxor cabs to check with their lost and found department. Yours truly left her digital camera in the cab she took to a wedding on Saturday. You ready for this? You holding your breath? No, they haven't seen a digital camera in lost and found. Big surprise. Not only that, this is the only time I've actually put my additional memory cards in the camera case so I've now lost everything. Well, I do have the extra battery, but that doesn't do much good when there's nothing to put it in. I'm so mad at myself! We were totally running late and dashed out the door for the cab. Got to the church at the time the wedding was supposed to start so again just dashed out of the cab. Didn't even realize it was gone. The worst part is I can't blame anyone but myself. Argh! I've put a posting on craigslist in the hopes that some good Samaritan will have found it. However, considering it was Fleet Week and everyone and their brother was in town...what are the odds? Oh, and I lost an earring at the reception. Just batting 1000.

I'm reminded of the little prayer I learned as a kid whenever something was lost:
"Dear St. Anthony, please come round. Something's lost that cannot be found." Yes, I'm 5. Get over it. So far it hasn't worked. I'm not giving up hope yet though.

When I'm in a better mood I'll tell you about the weekend and also NC/SC.

This moment of idiocy was brought to you by the letter I and the number 95.


At October 11, 2005 1:54 PM, Blogger Buzz said...

Dave Chappele did a skit about your Kinkos woes...


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