Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Communication Pet Peeve

*Warning - rant to ensue*

Why is it, with all ways we have to communicate these days, we communicate less than ever? Why do we choose to hide behind a computer screen to type an email instead of meeting with that person face-to-face or at least calling them?

Don't get me wrong. Email is a wonderful tool! It's very useful for doing business and for keeping in touch with friends when you don't have time for a phone call.
That said, email is NOT the appropriate forum to have a relationship conversation. I don't care if it's a friendship, a romance, family, whatever. It is not okay to use that medium to have serious conversations. It's too impersonal. It's too open for interpretation. If you care enough to communicate with someone around your relationship, freaking nut up and at least call the person. Don't hide behind a computer to express how you feel or to say difficult things. That's not how friends treat each other. That's not how loved ones treat each other. Have some respect for the other person and either set up a time to see them and talk with them or at least give them the courtesy of a phone call.

Sorry, I'm a little testy as I just received one of these.

Long and short of it - if you want to discuss the status of our relationship, call me. Only use email to set up a time for discussion in this instance.

*stepping off soapbox*

I promise the next blog will be light-hearted and telling about the fabulous birthday celebration I had in Tahoe this last weekend.

This moment of ranting was brought to you by the letter E and the number 1.


At May 24, 2007 7:22 AM, Blogger Barbara said...

It's become acceptable and people have bcome lazy...myself included.

You have a great point!

Hope today is a better day for you.


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