Monday, September 25, 2006

A Favor Please

Many of you know my second little niece was born just two weeks ago. I'm an auntie again. Yay!

I spoke to my brother last night and poor little Katherine has been in Children's Mercy Hospital since last Thursday. Apparently she had been having seizures when she slept. They had called their pediatrician who told them to try several things and if that didn't work to call them back. That didn't help so they called back and took her down to the ER. They got her checked out and everything seemed normal including the CT scan which is great news as it means the brain is not affected. As they were getting ready to send them home, Kate started again as she was laying in my brother's arms. Luckily the doctor was right there this time when it happened. They ended up admitting her. Their first concern is meningitis. Apparently the butchers in the ER tried 4 times to get a spinal fluid sample and failed. Poor little Kate was hysterical. They finally stopped. The next day a different doctor came in (not surprising since she was now admitted) and did it flawlessly. I guess she didn't even wimper which is great. They send those results off to the Mayo Clinic so they don't have any answers yet. They also sent tests to the Mayo Clinic for Encephalitis. Until they have the results they are keeping her at the hospital and pumping her full of antiobiotics until a negative test result comes back.

The good news is they met with the neurologist who doesn't think it is anything serious. I can't remember the long clinical name for what he thinks it is, but apparently this can occur in babies up until they are 2 months old. He's seen it go as long as 6 months. It only happens in deep sleep (not REM) and they essentially just twitch. It's not the typical violent seizure we all think of. It can be upper extremities, lower or both. For Kate it's both. When she starts it's like every 2 seconds and her whole body will twitch. The doctor was able to wake her up out of it by stimulating her feet, which he said wouldn't happen if it were actually a seizure. So we are hopefully and keeping positive thoughts that indeed, it is nothing serious. Poor Lisa has been staying at the hospital with her so she can continue to nurse her and be with her. Lisa's parents have been wonderful watching Isabella so my brother can also be at the hospital.

Please keep Kate in your prayers if you are the praying type. If not, please send positive thoughts her way that this is nothing serious and she can go home soon! I really appreciate it!

This moment of concern was brought to you by the letter K and the number 2.


At September 29, 2006 12:41 PM, Blogger Pittchick said...

I hope that things are OK for them. I'll keep her in my thoughts.

At September 30, 2006 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hug :(

At October 01, 2006 10:10 AM, Blogger Fame said...

awww sweetie, I had a new nephew born a month ago. I am praying for Kate and your family.


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