Friday, February 15, 2008

Off to Vegas

I'm off to Vegas this evening. To be more specific, I have my final client meeting from 3-4pm and then I head straight to the airport for a 5:30 flight. The reason? Does one really need a reason to go to Vegas?

Well, in this case I have one. I'm going to a wedding. My first Vegas wedding. The story: rugby girl marries English rugby Vegas. Can you say drunk and debaucherous? I thought you could.

My liver aches in antici..................pation.

Have a great weekend all.

This moment of debauchery is brought to you by the letter V and the number 1.


At February 18, 2008 7:30 AM, Blogger Barbara said...

OHHHH I loved that little Rocky Horror inspired blurp!

Have fun girlie..wahoooo

At March 02, 2008 9:16 AM, Blogger Irish said...

I love that picture. Flooding is a big deal... anywhere else.


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