Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Slowly Feeling More Human

My fever finally broke on Friday. Hooray! Spoke to my doctor that day as well. She wished I had called her the day before as I have the flu and you have to start taking those drugs in the first 48 hours. Since I didn't, she gave me stuff to help with all the phlegm in my chest and the ensuing issues with asthma it was causing. My chest was so sore from coughing - my sternum even hurt when I would breathe. Just to add to the fun my monthly visitor decided to pop in for a visit as well.

Now that I've got my drugs I'm feeling more human. Just still tired. Amazed at how quickly I'm drained - even something simple like taking a shower causes me to have to sit down and rest for a bit. Bummed I missed the O'Hotties sleepover this weekend. That was disappointing. Hopefully I'll be all all recovered before heading to Palm Springs this weekend.

This moment of feeling more human was brought to you by the letter D and the number 4.


At March 06, 2007 2:34 PM, Blogger dayoldfish said...

hope you feel better soon

At March 07, 2007 8:02 AM, Blogger Buzz said...

Palm springs? You goona spa it up or are you going to golf?

I'd be doing the latter, but hope you have fun either way!



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