Back Pain
Really sucks. I've refrained from blogging because I really don't like whining. At this point, I'm rather tired of it though.
Sunday I played volleyball and then watched the Super Bowl. While watching the game I could feel it tightening up. Monday was okay. Tuesday was hardly bearable. That night I went home and spent a lot of time with ice packs. Chris was kind enough to give me some 800mg Motrin which I was also taking. Saw my chiropractor on Wednesday morning. He said, "Come back again and see me on Monday. In the meantime, everything is really inflamed in there. No sitting on soft chairs, no couches, no sitting for long periods of time. Stand as much as you can." I said - you just described my job. So I've been continuing to take the Motrin, stand as much as possible during meetings, when no one is around lay on the floor and try and relax things.
Every time I start to think it's getting better it starts tweaking again. All the muscles in my back right now just feel really tired - there's no healing going on and they are just exhausted. I'm pretty tired of hurting right now. I'm not sleeping well and my brain certainly isn't functioning like it should be.
It'll pass, it will just take time. Patience is a virtue I do not possess.
This moment of self-pity was brought to you by the letter P and the number 5.
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