Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Not Worth It

I looked in the mirror last night after spending a lovely evening with Tanyer and was shocked at the amount of gray hair I have. Someone who is turning 30 this year should NOT have this much gray!!

My job is completely stressing me out right now. I'm working my ass off, but it never seems to be good enough for my company. My client loves me, but it doesn't seem to matter to anyone in my company. Here I sit on a conference call from 6-8am, rush to work, mtgs 9-1 and then have time to get work done. I'm tired. I'm done. I'm between a rock and a hard place and the only thing that's happening is the space between the two is shrinking. I've been in difficult situations before, but have always been able to work through them. That doesn't seem to be possible on this project. After 7.5 years, I'm just done and ready for something else. Life is too short for this kind of stress, especially when there's no appreciation for it. I don't mind getting my ass chewed when I deserve it. I can't stand getting my ass chewed when I don't.

Time to start updating the resume.

This moment of being a stressball was brought to you by the letter F and the number 7.5.


At January 23, 2007 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry your stressed... I'm here for ya. Miss you!

At January 25, 2007 1:50 PM, Blogger Buzz said...

get better! I updated my blog


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