Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Before I write a post with all the gory details of my vacation, I just have to post this one. I am a huge fan of common courtesy. Also common sense. Have you noticed that neither are very common?

Saturday night I hung out a buddy. We have a mutual friend, but this is the first time the two of us have hung out. I went over to his place and we watched Shaun of the Dead. Freaking great movie if you've never seen it. Anyway, when I get there he starts rolling this big old J. Now, he was polite enough to ask if I minded that he smoked it. Hey man, it's your place. Do what you want. However, he never offered it to me.

Now, being the girl who's never even smoked pot, it's not such a big thing. I would have turned it down politely. Each to their own, it's just not my thing. However, shouldn't I at least have had the opportunity to turn it down? Isn't there some unwritten pot code in the world that if you're rolling one with someone else there you at least offer it to the other person? Since I'm not in the pot world, could someone who is familiar with it help a girl out?

Things that make me go hmmmmmmm....


At August 16, 2005 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a typical woman. You have never smoked and had no intention of doing it but because you weren't asked you felt left out. Why should you care if something you don't want isn't offered to you? Next time I go for a crap I will make sure to invite you...

At August 16, 2005 10:10 AM, Blogger BH said...

No No. It's just in my experience (which consists of passing it between people and not taking any myself) when one is smoking they offer it to others that are there. Even my friends who know I don't smoke still offer it to me b/c they think it would be rude not to do so. I found it interesting that he asked if I was okay with him smoking it, but didn't ask if I wanted any. I simply made the observation that it struck me as odd given my past experiences. I didn't feel left out.

My dear S, don't invite me the next time you take a crap. Your gf might get jealous! ;-)

At August 17, 2005 11:01 AM, Blogger MB said...

Hey S,

Can I wipe when your done?

At August 18, 2005 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely MB!!

At August 18, 2005 1:28 PM, Blogger MB said...

Stop teasing you Kiwi Bitch.

At August 18, 2005 1:40 PM, Blogger BH said...

Oh geez, the sparks are really going to fly now. I can't wait to hear the aussie/kiwi battle begin.

At August 18, 2005 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MB, You know I don't tease so you better be ready next time I see ya. Also, what's up with the Kiwi comment no aussie is as in bred and sheep humping as a Kiwi. what an insult...


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