Thursday, July 28, 2005

Light at the end of the tunnel

And this time it's not a train!

Been feeling blah the past couple weeks. Hence no witty blogging and the diatribe that the last post turned into. I thought the blahs were a combination of Aunt Flow visiting, too many thoughts about my parents and the ankle. Figured once Aunt Flow went away (far too much information I know), I'd feel better. This week proved me wrong.

I went to Milwaukee at the begining of July for a rugby alumni weekend. Played three rugby games while there. Took the week off from working out when I got back to allow my body time to recover. Right as I was ready to get back in the swing of things, I messed up my ankle.

Now, I know I can still work on upper body, do abs, etc. However, I was so annoyed at not being able to do my cardio or the things I wanted to do that I just didn't work out all last week. Or this week either. It's one of those vicious cycles - you are so annoyed that you can't really work out yet you know the annoyance will go away if you do work out, but it's annoying you can't do what you want...and so on. Plus I've been really tired despite going to bed early and haven't been able to drag my butt out of bed. Everything takes 3 times longer to do these days.

However, this morning I managed to get out of bed and hobble my way to the gym. Did some upper body weights and a good ab workout. I feel LOADS better. My mood is drastically improved today. I'm sure my coworkers are thrilled.

Hmmm...maybe science is right about the effects of working out after all. Who knew?


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