Wednesday, July 20, 2005

What Ever Happened to the Courtesy Wave???

I just have to get this off my chest this morning. I was driving to work this morning and no fewer than three times I slowed down and flashed my lights to let someone over who had their turn signal on. Each and every time the person moved over and that was the end of the story. No quick wave to say thanks. No middle finger to say F off. No nothing. Wtf? I can't be the only person that was raised believing in common courtesy. I am not *obligated* to let you over because your turn signal is on. I let you over because it's the polite thing to do and I hope that others will do the same for me. It takes you two nano-seconds to put your hand up in the air, give a little wave (with all 5 fingers please) to say thanks and go on about your business. When people don't say thank you it makes me want to pass them an then cut them off. I mean, honestly people, is it really that hard to say thank you?

At this point I would love to go into a diatribe about common courtesy not being very common (particularly in California), but that's for another time.

This wtf? moment has been brought to you by the letter R and the number 3.


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