Thursday, June 30, 2005

How It All Began

My friend MB was kind enough to share his blog with me several weeks ago. Since then I've been entertained on a rather frequent basis between his postings and glib gal's musings. I emailed MB one time sharing my random observation for the day and he stated that I really did need a blog. I figured he was right (don't let it go to your head) so here I am. I thought it's only fair to post that random observation that started it all as my first post.

I do consulting work and my current client is Genentech. For those of you (is anyone actually reading this?) who aren't familiar with Genentech, it is a bio-tech company that has created quite a few cancer drugs as well as numerous others. It's a pretty large company and has a large campus.

Travel back, if you will, to a week or two ago. I had gone to the gym in the evening and showered when I got home. I hate going to bed with wet hair. Those of you who know me know the kind of hair I have (really thick w/ natural curl). In other words, not the kind of hair on which you want to use a blow-dryer. Well, not unless you're heading to a 70s party and the 'fro look is a good thing. Anyway, I put my hair up that night while still wet and went to bed. I took it down the next morning to let it dry. In the middle of a meeting I pulled it back again because it was driving me batty. Apparently I wear my hair down a bit too much around these parts. No fewer than seven people commented throughout the day on the fact that my hair was pulled back. Even the security lady who works in the freaking cafeteria made a comment. Granted, they were positive comments which was nice. However, are you kidding me? This is the big news around campus that I decided to wear my hair back? Are there more people than I'm aware of that actually look at me every day? I'm still a bit confused by it all really.

Anyway, there you have it. The random observation that started it all.

Additional note: Today at lunch, the same security woman made a comment again - "You changed your hair again." Yep, I pushed sunglasses up on my head to pull the hair back from my face. I'm such a rebel!


At June 30, 2005 12:24 PM, Blogger MB said...



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